

Angel and her team of instructors lead hundreds of hip hoppers of all ages and skill levels every week. Through hard work and award winning choreography, Peace Love Hip Hop has become synonymous with accessible street dance, inclusive ensemble, and attainable fitness. Peace Love Hip Hop has expanded year after year as more people – women, men, co-eds, parents, ringers, rookies – have clamored to join the crew. There is no membership fee; $15 gets you in, and absolutely no experience is necessary. Every session starts with a heart-pounding warm-up and wraps with a core-strengthening cool-down. The real magic happens in between, when every single dancer in the room accumulates one eight-count after another, then absolutely throws down the whole fabulous dance over and over before collapsing with sweaty, exhausted joy.

Fantastic Results

This is the kind of shindig that works the body in ways it maybe not used to. Those booty-drops, nay nay's, and yes, even that running man will sneak up on you the next morning. PLHH is a mental challenge too - keeping you sharp with the choreo and tenacious with the intensity. This program even challenges the way that you look at yourself. You will sweat away the false beliefs that you are too conservative, too uncoordinated, too shy, too old, or too anything else to be a part of our hip hop community. When we introduce you to the newest music (or reacquaint you with the old school jams), it gives you the opportunity to free yourself! Take what you think you know about hip hop, fitness, and dance and throw it out the window. We’re here now. You got this.


Arrive early if you want to chit chat, because when the music starts thumping, you’ll have entered seventy-five minutes of getting after it. And “it” is the maddest, most unapologetic fun you’ll have getting your workout on - courtesy of Peace Love Hip Hop. You can’t really call it a class. It’s more like a little show and oh, by the way, you’re in it. Sure, you’ll learn the choreography in simple, bite-size pieces and as you put those pieces together, you’ll add a hair flip here, and a snarl there. Now you, and the delirious bodies all around you, have this beat – and every super-cool move with it – on lock. You may have walked into class, but you’ll swagger out. Peace Love Hip Hop is like nothing you have seen in any dance class, club, or gym. Founded in 2007 by Angel Roberts, it was a gig that began with a few dance moms getting down in a school gym. Word quickly spread that this was the real deal and within a few short months Charleston hardly knew what hit it.

Our Community


Angel Roberts

Queen of Peace Love Hip Hop


Kimberly Stubbings

Operations Manager
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Beginner Hip Hop

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Bryant Culler

Boys & Girls Competitive Hip Hop
Boys & Girls Recreational Hip Hop
Boys & Girls Tumbling & Tricks
Intermediate/Advanced Hip Hop

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Iliana Gravina

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Intermediate/Advanced Hip Hop


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